Chief Minister

Sri Anumula Revanth Reddy

Hon'ble Chief Minister and Minister MA&UD

Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation
HW Mayor

Smt. VijayaLakshmi R Gadwal

HW Mayor

List of Criminal Provisions under GHMC Act

SL.NoState DepartmentApplicable Act/Rule/OrderProvision of law - Relevant Section/Rule/Clause/FormShort descriptionFine/ImprisonmentAmount (in Rs.)/Years
1 GHMC (,MA&UD) GHMC Act, 1955 Section 548(1): Slaughter of Animal in slaughter houses. No person shall slaughter or procure the slaughter of any animal for human consumption in a slaughter house, otherwise than on the authority of a certificate, granted by the Veterinary Officer that the animal is fit for slaughter. Punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months Fine which may extend to Rs. 1,000
2 GHMC (MA & UD) GHMC Act, 1955 Section 402 (1) & (2): Prohibition of depositing etc., of thing in streets. No person shall, except with the written permission of the Commissioner — (a) place or deposit upon any street, or upon any open channel drain or well in any street or in any public place, any stall, chair, bench, box, (b) project, at a height of less than twelve feet from the surface of the street, any board or chair, beyond the line of the plinth of any building over any street; (c) attach to, or suspend from, any wall or portion of a building abutting on a street, at a lower height than aforesaid anything whatever. Punishable with imprisonment which may extend to one month. Fine which may extend to five thousand rupees
3 GHMC (MA & UD) GHMC Act, 1955 Section 402 (1),(2),(3) & (4): Powers of Commissioner to direct removal of person directing unlawful work. Any person who, whether at his own instance or at the instance of any other person or any body including a department of the Government undertakes or carries out construction or development of any land in contravention of the statutory master plan or without permission, approval or sanction or in contravention of any condition subject to which such permission, approval or sanction has been granted shall be punished Imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years Fine which shall be levied as provided in Schedules (U) and (V) of the Act read with section 596 of the GHMC Act.
4 GHMC (MA & UD) GHMC Act, 1955 Section 484 (1) & (2): Provision may be made by Commissioner for collection, etc., of excrementitious and polluted matter. When the Commissioner has given public notice of his intention to provide, in a certain portion of the City, for the collection, removal and disposal by municipal agency, of all excrementitious and polluted matter from privies, urinals and cesspools, it shall be lawful for the Commissioner to take measures for the daily collection, removal and disposal of such matter from all premises situated in the said portion of the city. Even after the Commissioner has taken such measure , if any person commits defecation, urination or spitting in open public places shall, on conviction, be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to one month. Fine which may extend to five thousand rupees.
5 GHMC (MA & UD) GHMC Act, 1955 Section 487 (1) & (2): Prohibition of failure to remove refuse, etc., when bound to do so. No Person who is the owner or occupier of any building or land, shall allow any filthy matter to flow, soak or be thrown therefrom or keep or suffer to be kept therein or thereupon anything so as to be nuisance to any person, or negligently suffer any privy-receptacle or other receptacle or place for the deposit of filthy matter or rubbish on his premises to be in such state as to be offensive or injurious to health On conviction, be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to three months Fine which may extend to ten thousand rupees

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